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Storing Gore-Tex so that the seam tape and membrane do not peel off

Storing your Gore-Tex properly is important for keeping your Gore-Tex clothing in good condition for a long time.
Gore-Tex clothing is made to be very tough, but if it is not stored properly due to its special structure compared to regular clothing, it can develop fatal defects and lose its waterproof and water-resistant functions.
Here, we would like to introduce some tips for storing Gore-Tex clothing properly to keep it in good condition for longer.

Defects that can occur in Gore-Tex


Separation of the membrane and the fabric

Gore-Tex is basically made up of a three-layer structure, with the membrane that forms the main body of Gore-Tex sandwiched between two layers of fabric. A detailed explanation of this Gore-Tex structure is given in a separate article.
The Gore-Tex membrane and fabric are bonded together using an adhesive resin, so they do not come apart easily. However, the resin deteriorates over time.
The result of this deterioration is the separation of the membrane and the fabric.
If the membrane peels off, the appearance of the garment will be greatly affected.
The main cause of this separation is the way in which the garment is stored, so storing it properly will help to keep your Gore-Tex clothing in good condition.

Separation of the seam tape

Next, unlike ordinary clothing, it is necessary to maintain the waterproof properties of Gore-Tex. To maintain this waterproofing, a waterproof tape called seam tape is applied to the seams. This seam tape is attached to the Gore-Tex fabric using an adhesive resin. Over time, the adhesive resin deteriorates, and as a result, the seam tape can come unstuck.
If the seam tape comes off, the waterproofing will not be maintained. Water will probably seep in through the seams.
The way you store your product is also a factor that can accelerate the peeling off of the seam tape.

The performance of Gore-Tex does not change

There was a time when the manufacturer said that the performance of Gore-Tex was permanent. However, this is a slightly misleading expression. It is true that the Gore-Tex membrane itself does not deteriorate much over time, and its performance does not deteriorate at the level of our lifespans. This is why it was said to be permanent, but in reality, Gore-Tex jackets are not made up of just the Gore-Tex membrane, so the peeling off due to the deterioration of the adhesive resin mentioned earlier also prevents the original performance of Gore-Tex from being achieved, so this can also be considered to be damage.
In conclusion, the performance of the Gore-Tex membrane does not change, but Gore-Tex clothing will deteriorate depending on how it is used and stored.

The water-repellent performance does not deteriorate

As a side note, some people say that the durable water repellency of Gore-Tex clothing also deteriorates over time, but this is incorrect. If you store your clothing properly, the water repellency will not deteriorate. The water repellency will deteriorate due to dirt build-up and stress from use.

How to store Gore-Tex

There are two situations to consider when it comes to storage: everyday storage and off-season storage.

Daily storage

Some of the clothing sold comes with a staff bag. Some people leave their clothes in the staff bag all the time, but you should avoid storing your clothes like this. The staff bag is just a storage bag for carrying your clothes around.
You don't need to be too fussy about how you store your clothes on a daily basis, but just be sure to hang them up on a hanger rather than folding them up.

Off-season storage

It is important to store your gear properly during the off-season to prevent any problems with the Gore-Tex. Leaving it in the bag is not a good idea.
Also, if it is squeezed by drawstrings or Velcro, it will get creased, so be careful before storing it for a long time. In the same way, it is also best to avoid folding it up before storing it.
When storing your ski boots for a long period of time after the season is over, the key is to remove any dirt before storing them.
To avoid any critical damage such as peeling of the membrane or seam tape, it is best to wash or dry clean them before storing them.
Here too, air circulation is important. Even if you are storing them for a long period of time, if you can store them in a well-ventilated place, it will be easier to maintain them in good condition, so please be aware of this.


In this article, we have not only explained specific storage methods, but also the importance of storage methods and what problems can occur depending on the storage conditions.
Please consider having professional maintenance carried out during the off-season. For more information, please contact us via our website.