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Why can we do it?


Our story

We first started our business as an outdoor equipment rental service for climbing Mt.
One day, we felt professionally challenged by the fact that our rental items were returned wet.
In our desire to make the rentals in better condition, we tried all kinds of water repellents, but we were not satisfied.

But I liked R&D.
Fortunately, I had a lot of Gore-Tex garments that had lost the DWR used by the rental service.
We spent a long time and ruined over 100 pieces of Gore-Tex® clothing to develop the product.
Our process is different from the traditional dry cleaning service as well as home remedies.
The result is a repellant coating.

Our Mission

What we want is true coolness.
The coolness that money can buy is only superficial. Can money buy friends?
Taking care of things takes time and effort. And what it takes most of all is love.
This is the same with relationships.
Loving and caring for that product and using it is what makes you a real cool climber.


Our history

Established in 2010
2012 Incorporated
2015 Started droproof service in Japan
2018 Received Yamanashi Industry Grand Prize
2019 EY Entrepreneur of the Year Regional Qualifier
2023 Exhibit at ISPO for the first time

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